Saturday, October 14, 2006

What's It Gonna Take?

I read the following from Laura Rozen at War and Piece to Mrs. F (I've added in the links):
You open the Washington Post this morning, and on one two-page spread: Ney pleads guilty, Weldon being investigated, a Foley story, and Kolbe Grand Canyon trip probed. Sigh. Our Congress. Then you turned to the Iraq page: US deemed responsible for killing British reporter, Iraqi police behind death squads, etc.
[I'd also add problems for California representatives John Doolittle and Richard Pombo related to Jack Abramoff.]

Mrs. F then noted that all it took was a blow job to get the collective knickers of this country in a twist, the political establishment to take a tough approach to punishing that mendacious behavior, and ultimately help to swing the electorate away from a qualified candidate with real gravitas to a one with a specious personal history, little experience, and, as it turns out, hidden agendas (using the sale of compassionate conservatism without any intent to truly back it up... see this previous post for videos of Countdown's look at David Kuo's book Tempting Faith on the sham that was/is the Office of Faith Based Initiatives).

So here we are, less than a month before the November 7 mid-term elections, and failings of the Republican leadership of our country are on full display -- the culture of Republican corruption, lies, political hackery disguised as policy (see Terri Schiavo), horrendously deadly mismanagement (both the Iraq War and Hurricane Katrina in particular), and a head-in-the-sand attitude toward dealing with the chaos that is the civil war in Iraq. Will all this evidence be enough to prove to voters who gave the BushCo Admin LLC and its minions the benefit of the doubt that a change needs to be made? To channel a little Rumsfeldian lingo, my goodness I hope so.


At 5:15 PM, Blogger Seven Star Hand said...

Hello Agen,

Here's some more red-hot ink for your pen. Now help me vanquish the sword!

More stunning proof that Christians are easily duped into supporting blatant evil

The latest book of stunning revelations titled "Tempting Faith" by former Bush Administration insider David Kuo provides compelling first-hand evidence that the Christian Right was purposely duped into providing pivotal political support and cover for a host of crimes and excesses by Republican leaders and the Whitehouse. This book and the Foley fiasco are serving to awaken Christians to the undeniable fact that they have been deceived into abetting the evil deeds of duplicitous scoundrels, once again.

The events of recent years and the several millennia before them have provided us with stunning and comprehensive proof that religion is the chosen and purposeful tool of great deceivers. Whether we view the actions of the Temple priesthood of ancient Israel that conspired with Greco-Roman invaders, the sad and sordid history of the Vatican and Papacy, Christian crusaders and colonizers, injustices by leaders and followers of Islam, the oppression of Palestinians by the State of Israel, or the more recent activities of the so-called Christian Right and Republican Party, religious followers are regularly and easily misled into supporting obvious evil.

In recent years, I have produced stunning and comprehensive proof of purposeful deception in the canons of all three Faiths of Abraham and struggled to alert people to this and to related upcoming events and situations. Due to "poisoning of the waters" by deluded religious leaders and followers over the centuries, most have greeted my efforts with derision or indifference, thereby failing to pay attention long enough to discern the accuracy of my research and assertions. Starting with the perfectly timed Atlantic hurricanes of 2004 and 2005, a small number of people, some of them in government leadership positions, began to recognize the truth of my conclusions and assertions. The events of the last year-plus, starting with the ramifications from hurricanes Katrina and Rita, have helped to sweep away many of the facades erected by the Bush-Cheney crew and cohorts. Many of their deceptions have been exposed, their greed and arrogance proven, the myth of their competence destroyed, and most recently the depths of their duplicity and hypocrisy have been illuminated by a series of stunning revelations.

Nonetheless, the so-called Christian Right has continued faithfully supporting them, in spite of mountains of evidence that should have dissuaded any clear-thinking soul. The recent non-stop flood of stunning evidence leaves little doubt that the so-called liberals and the left were 100% correct about the Bush-Cheney crew. Despite assertions to the contrary, conservatives and the Christian Right are now exposed as having arrogantly and foolishly supported blatantly evil scoundrels. We now have proof, beyond disproof, that Republican leaders viewed them as little more than marks and dupes to be milked of their faith, money, political support, and the lifeblood of their son's and daughter's on the battlefields of Bush's and Cheney’s deceptive wars.

It is a sad but true statement that deceived and deluded Christians are much more responsible for the evils perpetrated by the Bush administration than any other group. They have arrogantly and foolishly supported those who simply pretended to have the same beliefs, even though their deeds provided stark and irrefutable evidence to the contrary. My recent articles and book expound upon the reasons why religious followers are so easily duped into doing and supporting blatant evil. Now the events of recent weeks have provided stunning evidence that these assertions and conclusions are true. Christians and conservatives must now come to grips with the sickening reality of the great harm they have caused to everyone else because of their blind support of scoundrels who merely pretended to serve the Creator, as a purposeful ploy to gain wealth and power.

What then is the purpose of "faith" but to prevent otherwise good people from seeking to understand truth and wisdom?

Here is Wisdom !!



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