Monday, August 07, 2006

I'm Hugg-able

The Treehugger enviro product and eco-awarness site has a new-ish offshoot called Hugg, which allows registered users to submit relevant news items that they find while trawling the Web. Then, other users in this meritocracy can give the news items props (or "huggs" in this case), potentially floating the story to the front page of if it's received a lot of huggs. I've submitted three stories since signing on last week, and I got my first article both floated to the front of Hugg ("World Must Race to Develop Green Energy" from the Guardian) and featured on Treehugger's occasional posting of Most Huggable stories. Way cool. I'm hoping to use this tool more to capture climate- and enviro-product related news and am going to try to figure out a way to get it more integrated into the Cracks site (though not sure that's 100 percent doable).


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