Sunday, January 22, 2006


I've really, really enjoyed the West Wing this season--it's easily one of the three smartest and best written programs on the telly today (if not the top of the class). Unfortunately, as Mrs. F reminds me from time to time, all good things come to an end. Via the LATimes:
When President Josiah Bartlet's second term runs out on "The West Wing" this spring, NBC's portrayal of the inside workings of the White House also will draw to a close. The network and the show's executive producer, John Wells, have decided to end the award-winning critical darling after a new president is elected.
On Sunday, NBC's president of entertainment, Kevin Reilly, announced to a semiannual gathering of television critics in Pasadena that the storied drama starring Martin Sheen will end May 14.
But before the show's writers commit to paper which candidate will become the next president — Democrat Matt Santos (Jimmy Smits) or Republican Arnold Vinick (Alan Alda) — they must grapple with the death of actor John Spencer, who played Leo McGarry, the former chief of staff who became Santos' running mate. The actor's death did not precipitate the ending of the series, but it did alter story lines significantly, Wells said.
I'm gonna savor the coming months.


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