Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Old Fogey's Quotes for Wednesday

"When I see marine snails' shells dissolving while they're alive, that's spooky to me."
John Guinotte, a marine biologist at the Marine Conservation Biology Institute regarding the growing acidity of oceans due to rising carbon dioxide levels
Ocean Acidity Threatens Corals

"Trust in government is earned by a pattern of trustworthy action, not by secrecy, evasion and partisan division. And the best way to rebuild lost trust is informed public debate."
David Ignatius in WaPo editorial
Beyond 'Trust Us'

"And the rule of law? That's so pre-Sept. 11."
Harold Meyerson, in WaPo editorial about military tribunals
GOP Conundrum

"A report last month from Representative Henry Waxman, Democrat of California, shows that since 2001 Congress has enacted 27 laws that pre-empt state authority in areas from air pollution to consumer protection. "
Nina Mendelson, in NYT editorial
Bullies Along the Potomac

"Democrats haven't made too many omelets lately. We are willing to stick our neck out."
Sen. Charles E. Schumer, head of Senate campaign efforts regarding the tough policies he shares with Rep. Rahm Emanuel in the House
Meet the Powers Behind the Democrats' Strategy

"And when this brutal terrorist took his final breath, one of the last things he saw was the face of an American soldier from Ft. Bragg, N.C."
President George Bush about the death of Abu Musab Zarqawi in a sppech to troops in NC
Bush Defends War Amid Patriotic Scene


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