Old Fogey's Quotes for Friday/Saturday
"That was very much the character of the person that he was. He cashed out before the employees did."
Freddy Delgado, juror in the Enron case, about Ken Lay's selling his own Enron shares even as he assured employees and shareholders that the company was fiscally sound.
Enron Jury Unswayed by 'I Didn't Know'
"This isn't a gray area. This is a massacre."
John Sifton, of Human Rights Watch, regarding the actions of small number of marines in western Iraq who carried out extensive, unprovoked killings of civilians
Inquiry Cites Marines in Death of Iraqi Civilians
"There are people who wake up every day in America living in poverty. In the richest, most affluent, most prosperous nation on the face of the planet, this is not complicated, it's wrong."
Former Senator John Edwards
Associated Press: Edwards speaks at annual NAACP event
"Here are the dots. People can connect any dots they want to."
House Speaker Dennis Hastert, regarding leaks that he was under investigation right after he denounced the Justice Department raid on a representative's office
Hastert's Steel-Cage Match
"I don't think he ever had a self-reflective moment in Texas, and let me tell you, even worse, we liked it that way."
Paul Burka, senior executive editor of Texas Monthly regarding Bush
With a Few Humble Words, Bush Silences His Texas Swagger
"It's not ideas we're lacking; it's a prevailing sense of the mortal danger that we've wandered into, a danger that demands leadership willing to set the bar high."
Bill McKibben, author of "The End of Nature," regarding remedies for global warming
Welcome to the Climate Crisis
"Reporters describing this as some sort of Bushian sea change seemed to be suffering from self-imposed amnesia."
Dan Froomkin, columnist for WaPo, regarding Bush's "new" rendering of his limited "regrets"
No New Contrition
"WAY, WAY back, before dot-coms became dot-bombs, Kenneth L. Lay was part rock star, part high priest among rival energy executives."
Editorial in WaPo
Not Just Bad Apples
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