Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Go, Flexcar, Go!

From Treehugger:
[Flexcar] set a single-day record for nationwide usage of its car-sharing network this past Saturday (April 29), just two weeks after setting the previous usage mark. New members have been flocking to the service, spurring new records for weekly and monthly usage as well; local usage records have also been set in recent days in Seattle, Washington, DC, Portland, and San Francisco. Said Lance Ayrault, Flexcar President and CEO, "It’s no surprise that more people are turning to Flexcar, with gas zooming over $3 a gallon. Flexcar members don’t pay for gas -- we do. As gas prices soar, we expect membership and usage of Flexcar to continue to rise."

Mrs. F has a membership, though we haven't needed to use it (we tend to manage our single car sharing quite well; plus, I try to bike when I can... though I need to ramp that back up). But the company has just put in a new pick-up location at our neighborhood Youngstown Cultural Arts Center (though it doesn't seem to appear on the 98106 zip code map from Flexcar).


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