Thursday, March 02, 2006

Morning News Roundup (02 Mar)

  • President Bush and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh struck an agreement to provide U.S. nuclear power assistance to India in exchange for new inspections of India's civilian nuclear facilities. They agreed that India would separate its civilian and military nuclear programs to gain U.S. expertise and nuclear fuel to meet its rapidly rising energy needs. [WaPo] I'm going to try to tackle this issue more expansively later in the day.

  • Speaking of President Bush's visit to India, it seems he didn't get quite the welcome that President Clinton did back in 2000 (see ThinkProgress for the compare/contrast). As 100,000 people, most of them Muslim, gathered yesterday to protest the President's visit, carrying placards that read: "Bully Bush, Go Home," and "Death to America, Death to Bush." [AP/Yahoo!]

  • A suicide attacker rammed a car packed with explosives into a vehicle carrying an American diplomat in Pakistan’s largest city, killing four people -- including the diplomat -- and wounding around 50 ahead of President Bush’s visit to Pakistan. [MSNBC]

  • Justice Samuel Alito sent a note to Dr. James C. Dobson, the influential Christian conservative, thanking him for his support and vowing that "as long as I serve on the Supreme Court, I will keep in mind the trust that has been placed in me," Dr. Dobson said Wednesday in a radio broadcast. [NYTimes]

  • Finally, some of the 13 things you can't do in Seattle noted in a cranky story in the Seattle P-I:
    Smoke in bars and at bus stops. Yes, it stinks, but can you imagine kicking Ernest Hemingway out of a bar for smoking? As for the bus stops, c'mon. How uptight can we get?

    Drink while watching a stripper. We just don't want our strip bar patrons to enjoy two things at once. They might actually start to have fun. It's a wonder we allow our moviegoers to eat popcorn while watching movies.

    Sit on a sidewalk downtown, in Pioneer Square, the International District and several other commercial zones between 7 a.m. and 9 p.m. You could get cited for such offenses. Unless, of course, you're waiting for the bus, in which case, you may sit (but not smoke), or are part of a performance group, are disabled, dead or otherwise unable to keep yourself from plunking down on the sidewalk.


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