Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Drinking Liberally with the SOTU

The local Seattle Drinking Liberally chapter got some coverage in the Seattle P-I for their get-together during the SOTU address last night--sounds kinda like what Mrs. F and I were throwing back at the telly:
Toward the end of the speech, it sounded as if several members of the group were suffering from a unique, left-wing strain of Tourette's syndrome.

"You (blank)!"

"God, I wish he would shut the (blank) up!"


A local chapter of the national group was formed in January 2005 by Seattle man Nicholas Beaudrot. Since then, attendance has grown from a half dozen to more than 20 drinkers a week, he said. Guest speakers, including local politicos such as King County Executive Ron Sims and Rep. Ed Murray, have stopped by to address the group.

Tuesday evening, attendees drank when Bush spoke phrases such as "September 11" or "terrorist." They laughed when he appeared to mispronounce certain words. They booed when he called for the renewal of the Patriot Act. And they cheered loudly for Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) when she was shown smiling and shaking her head as Bush defended his use of warrantless telephone wiretaps.

I hope to make a visit sometime to a meeting at the Montlake Ale House in the future (here's a review of the establishment by a fellow former Amazonian, now P-I food writer). Also, if you're a Seattle resident, be sure to check out the Pike Place Politics blog for lots of good local news updates.

[UPDATE - 715AM PST, 02 FEB] The guys over at Pike Place Politics, who I believe have a hand in putting together the Drinking Liberally get-togethers, have a response to the Seattle P-I article--seems they're not ususally so potty-mouthed (the Montlake Ale House is family friendly).


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