Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Architects Against Global Warming

Here's a little something I found for Mrs. F (who's currently in the process of taking her architectural boards) via Treehugger--looks like the American Institute of Architects is ready to get serious about promoting sustainability:
The American Institute of Architects (AIA) has adopted position statements to promote sustainable design and resource conservation to achieve a minimum reduction of fifty percent of the current consumption level of fossil fuels used to construct and operate buildings by the year 2010. In order to accomplish this goal, the AIA will collaborate with other national and international organizations, the scientific research community, and the public health community.


“Buildings account for forty-eight percent of U.S. energy consumption and generate far more greenhouse gas emissions than any other sector,” said R.K. Stewart, FAIA, facilitator of the AIA Sustainability Summit Task Force. “As architects, we must accept responsibility for our role in creating the built environment. We feel it is incumbent upon the architecture profession to alter our actions and encourage both our clients and the entire design and construction industry to join us in plotting a course of measurable changes that will improve the quality of life for everyone.”

Fundamental to helping ensure actual results, the AIA also supports the development and use of rating systems and standards that promote the design and construction of communities and buildings that contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally conscious future.

According to the AIA, an undertaking of this magnitude will require a sustained effort over the next ten to fifteen years, especially in educating clients about their role in the success of this effort.


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