Sunday, November 20, 2005

Torture From the Top
Cheney blamed by Powell aide

After watching a light movie, I returned briefly to the net and found another way the cloak of secrecy is falling from the White House. More people are feeling safer about speaking out. See Powell aide: Torture 'guidance' from VP :

A former top State Department official said Sunday that Vice President Dick Cheney provided the "philosophical guidance" and "flexibility" that led to the torture of detainees in U.S. facilities.Retired U.S. Army Col. Larry Wilkerson, who served as former Secretary of State Colin Powell's chief of staff, told CNN that the practice of torture may be continuing in U.S.-run facilities.

"There's no question in my mind that we did. There's no question in my mind that we may be still doing it," Wilkerson said on CNN's "Late Edition."

"There's no question in my mind where the philosophical guidance and the flexibility in order to do so originated -- in the vice president of the United States' office," he said. "His implementer in this case was [Defense Secretary] Donald Rumsfeld and the Defense Department."

At another point in the interview, Wilkerson said "the vice president had to cover this in order for it to happen and in order for Secretary Rumsfeld to feel as though he had freedom of action."

Can the American people really want this man to be one heart beat away from the presidency? Could Darth Vader actually do more damage than he already has to the image (and reality) of the United States? He is the strongest argument against impeachment of our frat boy president.


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