Wednesday, October 12, 2005

TV from iTunes

So, I've been sick in bed for the past couple of days with a raging fever (which seems to have finally subsided a bit), which would have been the perfect time to catch up on my TV watching... except for the fact that we killed the TV this week. But there's good news on the horizon: in announcing some new iPod and iMac products today (the former adding video, the latter becoming more of an entertainment center), Apple also released a new version of the iTunes software that adds video capabilities (as soon as you update to QuickTime version 7.0.3, which doesn't seem to be available at this moment). But here's the big news--Apple's done a deal with ABC to sell episodes of the hit series Lost and Desperate Housewives, which will be made available a few days after they've been originally broadcast. Oh happy day!


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