Friday, September 09, 2005

How About Helping Out

It's been rather quiet from Ann Coulter since last we heard from her. But she was back on Hannity and Tool (sorry... Colmes) complaining about one of her favorite targets: that ultra-left wing, radicalized But ThinkProgress

Ann Coulter just called out MoveOn on Hannity & Colmes: is down protesting outside the White House. How about putting together some evacuee bags? How about actually helping out? Speaking of that, I think I’d like to hear a breakdown at the end of this, how much churches are contributing versus…

Last Thursday, as tens of thousands of families found themselves newly homeless, MoveOn launched an emergency national housing drive called In just one week, over 235,000 beds have been offered to Katrina victims through the site.

ThinkProgress to Ann Coulter: How about you stop embarassing yourself on live national television?

I'd like to know how Ann has been helping out.


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