How It Ends... Begin the Begin

This blog started in 2004 with my motivation to inform friends and family about news of the election in an effort to bring down the reign of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. Didn't work out so well. With help from my Mother-in-Law (blogger code name Old Fogey), Cracks continued to stay vigilant for a couple of years after that defeat. But soon, the various and sundry twists and turns of life took our attentions to other focuses (namely, for me, the birth of my son and becoming the sole breadwinner of the family). And thusly, Cracks publishing came to a halt (though occasional bouts of anger at the latest antics of the Bush/Cheney administration would elicit a post from time to time).
So, in the aftermath of this week's historic election outcome, I'm now making it official: Cracks in the Facade is retired.
No doubt there will be shenanigans from the Right Wing Noise Machine that will need to be beat down, and President Obama (god, I love saying that) and Vice President Biden (that too!) and their administration will make mistakes from time to time that will need progressive voices to help remind them of their course. But the hardcore political blogging life is behind me now, and I will find other avenues to add my voice when and where it is needed.
If you're a Facebook user, you can be my friend and follow me there. (I haven't totally gotten the blogging bug out of my system, and I occasionally add links to interesting and relevant news bits.) I'm also an occasional Twitter user, and you can follow my tweets here.
Now, time to begin the begin...