Sunday, August 27, 2006

Old Fogey's Quotes for Sunday

"The Jackson Square speech ought to stand as one of the all-time monuments to hollow rhetoric and broken promises."
Sen. John Kerry, referring to Bush's dramatic promises to aid the poor in New Orleans after Katrina
Washington Still Blind to Gulf Coast’s Poverty
[Even with a public suffering from Attention Deficit Disorder, the speed with which poverty moved from the front burner to the back is astonishing]

"It is like dropping a raw egg and asking me what my plans are for putting it back together." Chris Murphy, the Democrat challenging Rep. Nancy L. Johnson (R-Conn.), regarding Iraq
Democrats Split Over Timetable For Troops
[Bush is probably hoping to "stay the course" long enough to blame the rotten egg on someone else]

"An inconvenience for President Bush? My God, the Iraqi people are inconvenienced. The military families are inconvenienced. That's very telling of the self-absorbed culture we're living in that people would be miffed because a bunch of rich Republicans would be inconvenienced."
Jamilla el-Shafei, 53, a business owner in Kennebunk who helped organize the march against the war
War Protesters Follow Bush to Maine
[Who ever said leadership was about convenience? Great presidents help Americans suffer inconvenience for the sake of their fellow citizens, especially those whose lives center around survival rather than convenience]

“It’s a falseness and a hollowness to the capitalist system when you are pretending that things are pristine and they are not. Either the S.E.C. should get very, very serious and prosecute a lot of people or forget about it.”
Herbert A. Denton, president of Providence Capital, a money manager and an adviser to minority shareholders, regarding rampant insider trading
Whispers of Mergers Set Off Suspicious Trading
[Unrestrained capitalism sows the seeds of its own destruction. That should concern conservatives as well as liberals]


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