Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Old Fogey's Quotes for Monday/Tuesday

NOTE: I've decided that I will include a commentary on the quotes--at least until I get tired of doing so

"There's a collective soul-searching in the army, in the government and in other parts of society."
Yaron Ezrahi, a Hebrew University professor
Olmert Accepts Blame For Operation's 'Failings'
[Seems to me that such a soul-searching would be appropriate for the US]

"I hope Allen realizes that Virginians come in all colors."
Kristian Denny Todd, communications director for Democratic candidiate Jim Webb, running against Sen. George Allen (R-VA), after another insensitive remark referring to a Webb campaign aid of Indian descent as "macaca, " which could mean a monkey that inhabits the Eastern Hemisphere
Allen Quip Provokes Outrage, Apology
[Let's hope voters of all colors can unite to vote out those who have acted against their economic interests. Too often race is used as a wedge to keep the poor apart.]

"Any effort to take that authority away from governors at the very least confuses the chain of command and at the worst could severely hamper state efforts to respond to emergencies."
Letter from 51 governors opposing legislation that would allow the president to take control of National Guard forces in the event of a natural disaster or a threat to homeland security.
Governors Oppose Federal Control of Guard
[Come on, guys. Remember the great efficiency and corruption-free actions of the Bushies! Why not give them more power to mess up America?]

“They are not Swift boating us on security.”
Nancy Pelosi (D-California), regarding the Democratic party's decision to take the offensive on terrorism in the upcoming election
Democrats See Security as Key Issue for Fall
[The new Democratic video at Video: Ad From Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee is a good start. I know I don't feel safer]

“I did make a lot of mistakes when I was president, but that was not one of them.”
Bill Clinton, noting that Congress had blocked his efforts at AIDS reduction
A Familiar Pair Urge Greater Attention for AIDS
[It's a shame that Bill couldn't be as mistake-free as King George The Perfect]

"But the appeal of the U.S. model overseas is eroding as the gap between rich and poor widens, public education deteriorates, healthcare costs soar and pensions disappear. Most recently, the U.S. government's seeming indifference to its most vulnerable citizens in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina further undercut belief in the American social contract. "
Julia E. Sweig, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations
Why They Hate Us
[I would argue that our "war" on terrorism would be better served by our living up to the ideals that still command respect around the world. This is just one way that a Democratic Congress would make us more secure]


At 1:55 PM, Blogger Agen said...

Excellent commentary! Keep it up (at least until you get tired of it). ;-)

PS - I altered the time on this to float this post to the top this afternoon.


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