Thursday, April 27, 2006


With nerves fraying over the growing energy crisis, here's a new wrinkle from Congress to try to stem the tide of ill will--bribery (via CNN):
Every American taxpayer would get a $100 rebate check to offset the pain of higher pump prices for gasoline, under an amendment Senate Republicans hope to bring to a vote Thursday.

However, the GOP energy package may face tough sledding because it also includes a controversial proposal to open part of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska to oil exploration...
The energy package, sponsored by Sens. Charles Grassley of Iowa, Ted Stevens of Alaska, Pete Domenici of New Mexico and Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania, will be offered as an amendment to an emergency spending measure now before the Senate funding the Iraq war and hurricane relief, according to a senior GOP leadership aide.
The measure would also give the Transportation Department authority to issue fuel efficiency standards for passenger vehicles, expand tax incentives for the use of hybrid vehicles and push for more research into alternative fuels and expansion of existing oil refineries.

If offered, I would rip up that check. Higher gas prices are a reality that we'll be facing for some time to come. Time to get that into our heads and deal with it, not by reactionary, extremely short-term measures like this one but by considering serious long-term solutions regarding energy and transportation use (and possible tax breaks/credits/vouchers for good behavior or based on income).


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