Thursday, December 29, 2005

It's the War, Stupid

Peter Baker and Jim VandeHei over at the WaPo have a good report that looks back on the year that was, politically, for the BushCo administration and how its minions are looking toward 2006. This bit is the key to BushCo tumble of OughtFive:

The lessons drawn by a variety of Bush advisers inside and outside the White House as they map a road to recovery in 2006 include these: Overarching initiatives such as restructuring Social Security are unworkable in a time of war. The public wants a balanced appraisal of what is happening on the battlefield as well as pledges of victory. And Iraq trumps all.

"I don't think they realized that Iraq is the totality of their legacy until fairly recently," said former congressman Vin Weber (R-Minn.), an outside adviser to the White House. "There is not much of a market for other issues."

It took many months, and much political pain, for that realization to sink in.
The article doesn't provide any concrete clues to where BushCo is going in 2006, but this graf provides some hope for us Democrats/progressives that the administration will continue to falter:
Some are concerned that although Bush has changed his approach, he has not changed himself. He has been reluctant to look outside his inner circle for advice, and even some closest to Bush call that a mistake because aides have given up trying to get him to do things they know he would reject.
Oh yeah--and don't forget, Rove's still under investigation.


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