Friday, November 18, 2005

Interesting Gamesmanship in Congress Today

Seems that Congressman Murtha has rattled the hornets nest; via the National Journal Hotline blog:

We can now confirm that there will be a "Murtha Vote" later this p.m. Speaker Dennis Hastert's spokesperson Ron Bonjean tells The Hotline that it's a "vote to send a message to our American troops that we believe in their mission of fighting terrorists and we must not retreat and defeat."

Angered by what he saw as House Dems "applauding but then backing off" Murtha's statement on 11/17, Rep. J.D. Hayworth (R-AZ) rose this a.m. at the House GOP Conference and suggested that they call for a vote to force Dems to show "where they stand to the American people," according to his spokesperson Larry VanHoose. Hayworth's call was met with what VanHoose described as "enthusiastic applause" from the rank-and-file GOP.

Pushing aside votes on extending the tax cuts, reauthorizing the Patriot Act and a long-awaited measure on federal flood insurance, the GOP leadership has turned Hayworth's idea into a resolution and will bring it to floor of the House for a vote by 7 pm, according to senior GOP leadership sources.

Undoubtedly, it's going down to defeat. And undoubtedly, it won't receive very strong Democratic support. But I'm hoping it gathers at least a majority of the Democratic delegation.

[UPDATE - 2pm PST] Daily Kos has a (stark) comparison between what the GOP congressional leadership's rewrite of the Murtha amendment and Congressman Murtha's much more detailed original version.

[UPDATE - 2:30pm PST] If you're feeling wonky, you can catch the live debate via Real Player or Windows Media Player at CSPAN (player choices at bottom of page).

[UPDATE - 2:45pm PST] Ohio Congressman Jean Schmidt (who narrowly defeated Iraq war veteran and an all-around hardnosed guy) just read a letter from a constituent calling Murtha a coward. According to comments over at Daily Kos, she got shouted down and then had her comments stricken from the record. What a boob.

[UPDATE - 2:50pm PST] Caller into CSPAN (yes, I've wonkily got it playing on Real Player in the background as I write about sheets): "Democrats are a party of cowards and traitors, and god help us."

OLD FOGEY checking in here with a website at which you can write a email of support to John Murtha.

Final Update from Agen: Here's what Jean Schmidt said via the AP article (at Yahoo):

At one point in the emotional debate, Rep. Jean Schmidt, R-Ohio, told of a phone call she received from a Marine colonel.

"He asked me to send Congress a message — stay the course. He also asked me to send Congressman Murtha a message — that cowards cut and run, Marines never do," Schmidt said. Murtha is a 37-year Marine veteran.

Democrats booed and shouted her down — causing the House to come to a standstill.


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