Monday, July 25, 2005

Straight Talk Express

It's sad to see John McCain turned into an apologist stooge for BushCo (looks like they've got him right where they want him--by the balls). Check out his response to John Stephanopolous on ABC's This Week (via Think Progress) regarding the nondisclosure agreement Rove signed when he became an employee of the White House:

STEPHANOPOULOS: …Do you believe that this [Classified Information Nondisclosure] agreement should be abided by?

MCCAIN: I do, but that also implies that someone knowingly revealed…


STEPHANOPOULOS: No, this covers negligent disclosures.

MCCAIN: Again, I don’t know what the definition of negligent — if you make an honest mistake, that’s one thing, if you do something without knowledge that you’re violating or being negligent, et cetera.

Yeah. I don't know what the definition of negligent is. But kinda like porn, I have a pretty good feeling I can point it out when I see it. You should also check out this post at Think Progress, which lists many of the instances where BushCo has refused to provide documentation when requested (hint--they usually have something to hide). This comes as BushCo is threatening to withhold memoranda that Roberts drafted while he worked in the Reagan and Bush I administrations.


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