Wednesday, October 06, 2004

The 50% Solution
The New Republic has a counter to Cheney's assertion in the debate last night that Iraqi security forces should be included in number of Coalition of the Willing casualties:

While hard numbers aren't available from the Allawi government--which has stopped releasing information about how many Iraqi security forces are standing and fighting--a tremendous number of Iraqi police fatalities are from insurgent bombings, many occurring at recruitment stations in recent weeks, and often before Iraqis engage the enemy. Worse, as was evidenced by the April collapse of Iraqi forces, the insurgent attacks have caused a literally untold number of Iraqis to refuse to stand and fight. Iraqi security officials recently told me that as many as 30,000 police officers, about half of those in uniform, are unqualified to serve. Many are simply insurgents with badges; plenty of others are corrupt. In one of the most ominous figures to emerge from Iraq, a new poll this week found that 55 percent of Iraqis report a lack of confidence in the authority of Iraqi security forces--about a 35-point drop in public confidence since the summer. In short, Cheney is simply drawing a misleading equivalence: When it comes to combat performance, capability, and competence, the job done by U.S. troops is simply qualitatively different from the work done by Iraqis in uniform.


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